Show pageOld revisionsBacklinksFold/unfold allBack to top This page is read only. You can view the source, but not change it. Ask your administrator if you think this is wrong. ====== News ====== * 2024-01 The next AfCAI workshop will take place at IWINAC 2024! See you in Olhao, Portugal in June! For more details, see [[pub:workshops#the_afcai_2024_workshop|dedicated AfCAI 2024 workshop page]]. * 2023-07 Summary of [[pub:workshops#the_afcai_2022_workshop|the AfCAI 2022 workshop]] (along with all other IWINAC 2022 sessions) is now published in [[pub:research#inffusion2023|Inf. Fusion]] [IF 18.6] * 2022-06 [[pub:biraffe|BIRAFFE2]] Data Descriptor published in Nature Scientific Data. Take a look [[pub:research#scidata2022|at the paper]] and do not hesitate to use our dataset in your research! * 2021-11 Two more papers on the [[pub:biraffe|BIRAFFE experiments]] have been published. Take a look at [[pub:research#mrc2021a|analysis of BIRAFFE2]] and the [[pub:research#mrc2021b|development of affective game for BIRAFFE3]]. * 2021-11 As a part of [[|AIRA seminar series]], [[pub:kkt|Krzysztof Kutt]] will highlight the key findings of research conducted by AfCAI team during previous years. The seminar will start on Thursday 18.11.2021 at 15:30. //See [[]] for more details.// * 2021-01 [[pub:kkt|Krzysztof Kutt]] received a research minigrant in the [[|DigiWorld Priority Research Area UJ]]. The project named "Personality, Affective Context and the Brain (PANBA)" is aimed at analyzing data from the [[pub:biraffe|BIRAFFE2 experiment]] and preparing a new research procedure that includes the use of EEG. * 2020-12 Two new papers related to our [[pub:biraffe|BIRAFFE]] series of experiments have been published. [[pub:research#mrc2020|The first one]] describes the latest generation of affective games and is included in the proceedings of the MRC 2020 workshop. [[pub:research#sensors2021|The second paper]], published in [[|Sensors]] (**IF 3.275**), contains a summary of the [[pub:biraffe|BIRAFFE1]] experiment. * 2020-08 Our three papers will be presented during workshops @ECAI 2020. Let's talk about Framework for Affective Games' Experiments [[|@MRC]] and our [[pub:biraffe|BIRAFFE2]] dataset [[|@HAII]]. We will also present some recent results from [[|PACMEL grant]] during [[|KR4L]]. [[|ECAI conference is fully online this year]], so it is easier to join many fascinating events - let's meet there together! * 2020-06 [[pub:biraffe|BIRAFFE2]] Dataset from our 2nd Study in **Bi**o-**R**eactions **a**nd **F**aces **f**or **E**motion-based Personalization for AI Systems (ECG, GSR, gamepad movements, facial expressions, personality traits, game questionnaire and more), the result of our experiment that had place in the winter 2020, is now available under the [[|CC BY-NC-ND 4.0]] licence at **[[|Zenodo]]**! :-) * 2019-09 [[pub:biraffe|BIRAFFE dataset]] (**Bi**o-**R**eactions **a**nd **F**aces **f**or **E**motion-based Personalization) with ECG and GSR signals, facial expressions, personality traits and more, collected by us in the spring 2019, is now available under the [[|CC BY-NC-ND 4.0]] licence at **[[|Zenodo]]**! :-) * 2019-07 [[pub:workshops#the_afcai_2019_workshop|AfCAI 2019]] workshop announced, it will be held on 11-12 November in Cartagena, Spain * 2019-06 [[research#Sensors2019]] paper on the use of wearable sensors for providing affect-based adaptation in Ambient Intelligence (AmI) systems * 2019-06 [[research#ICAISC2019]] paper on the affective game prototypes developed by the AfCAI team * 2018-10 [[research#CoSECiVi2018]] paper on the development of mobile software platform for emotion identification using wearable devices * 2018-08 [[research#GEM2018]] paper on the affective game design patterns * 2018-07 [[|PLUX]] the company behind Bitalino [[|mentions our comparative study from ICAISC2018]] * 2018-07 [[research#HAI2018]] paper on the design of games with affective loop presented as demo at HAI and receives //The Popular Choice Award// for the most downloaded paper of the workshop :-D * 2018-07 [[research#HSI2018]] paper on the [[research#Bandreader]] * 2018-06 [[research#FGCS2018b]] paper on affective patterns in serious games * 2018-06 [[research#ICAISC2018]] paper on the use of Bitalino and other platforms for AfC experiments * 2018-05 larger experiments aimed at detecting HR/GSR response during playing affective games * 2018-04 [[workshops#The AfCAI 2018 Workshop]] was held in Valencia * 2018-03 [[research#FGCS2018a]] paper on mobile platform for affective context-aware systems * 2017-09 [[research#FedCSIS2017]] paper on the affective scrollrunner game presented in Prague * 2017-05 first experiments with scrollrunner prototype * 2017-03 [[|Open call for the special issue of FGCS related to the selected topics of AfCAI]] * 2017-01 [[|Open call for the special issue of JHCS related to the topic of Cognitive Assistants]] * 2016-11 [[workshops#The AfCAI 2016 Workshop]] was held in Murcia * 2016-02 [[GJN]] receives a grant //Jiménez de la Espada// from [[|Fundación Séneca - Agencia de Ciencia y Tecnología de la Región de Murcia]] to work on AfC topics in Universidad de Murcia, Spain :-) * 2015-12 first grant proposal on AfC topics submitted to the polish NCN, in fact with no success :-/ pub/news.txt Last modified: 2024/06/07 09:05by kkutt