====== Game Design Patterns ontology ====== If you would like to use the ontology for your research, please contact [[bgc@agh.edu.pl|Barbara Giżycka]]. ==== Based on "Patterns In Game Design" handbook by Staffan Bjork and Jussi Holopainen ==== [[https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iLQ-plTexMF6lNwbqQtngNK81kTU3gfp|Ontology in .OWL]] ===== Description ===== Ontology has only one class: **GDP** (**G**ame **D**esign **P**attern). All patterns are instances of this class. Following properties are used in ontology: * **rdfs:label** -- name of the pattern * **rdfs:comment** -- description of the pattern * **:example** -- usage of the pattern taken from real game * **:instantiated_by**, **:instantiates** -- relations between two patterns * **:modulated_by**, **:modulates** -- relations between two patterns * **:potentially_conflicting_with** -- relations between two patterns ===== Use Cases ===== ===== UC.1. Check for conflicts in given set of patterns ===== List of patterns to check have to be specified in IN() clauses. It must be given twice (for `?subject` and for `?object`). ==== Query 1.A ==== PREFIX rdf: PREFIX owl: PREFIX rdfs: PREFIX xsd: PREFIX gdp: ASK { ?subject gdp:potentially_conflicting_with ?object . FILTER(?subject IN(gdp:conflict, gdp:uncertainty_of_information, gdp:alignment) ) FILTER(?object IN(gdp:conflict, gdp:uncertainty_of_information, gdp:alignment) ) } **Result:** *TRUE* *(= Yes, there are conflicts in given set)* To see actual conflicts, change `ASK` into `SELECT *`} ==== Query 1.B ==== PREFIX rdf: PREFIX owl: PREFIX rdfs: PREFIX xsd: PREFIX gdp: ASK { ?subject gdp:potentially_conflicting_with ?object . FILTER(?subject IN(gdp:conflict, gdp:self-facilitated_games, gdp:ability_losses) ) FILTER(?object IN(gdp:conflict, gdp:self-facilitated_games, gdp:ability_losses) ) } **Result:** *FALSE* *(= No, there are no conflicts in given set)* ===== UC.2. Check for conflicts in given set of patterns (using `instantiated_by` relation) ===== ==== Query 2.A ==== PREFIX rdf: PREFIX owl: PREFIX rdfs: PREFIX xsd: PREFIX gdp: ASK { { ?subject gdp:instantiated_by ?instantiated_by_object . ?instantiated_by_object gdp:potentially_conflicting_with ?object } UNION { ?subject gdp:potentially_conflicting_with ?object } FILTER(?subject IN(gdp:conflict, gdp:self-facilitated_games, gdp:ability_losses) ) FILTER(?instantiated_by_object NOT IN(gdp:conflict, gdp:self-facilitated_games, gdp:ability_losses) ) FILTER(?object IN(gdp:conflict, gdp:self-facilitated_games, gdp:ability_losses) ) } **Result:** *TRUE* *(= Yes, there are conflicts in given set)* ===== UC.3. Select all items that are in given relation with our set of patterns ===== ==== Query 3.A `instantiates` ==== Note: The query is looking for everything that is in the `instantiates` relationship. But for us enough is just one such thing for each of our patterns. PREFIX rdf: PREFIX owl: PREFIX rdfs: PREFIX xsd: PREFIX gdp: SELECT ?subject WHERE { ?subject gdp:instantiates ?object. FILTER( ?object IN(gdp:conflict, gdp:uncertainty_of_information, gdp:alignment, gdp:preventing_goals) ) FILTER( ?subject NOT IN(gdp:conflict, gdp:uncertainty_of_information, gdp:alignment, gdp:preventing_goals) ) } GROUP BY (?subject) ==== Query 3.B other relations ==== Note: as above... PREFIX rdf: PREFIX owl: PREFIX rdfs: PREFIX xsd: PREFIX gdp: SELECT ?subject WHERE { ?subject gdp:instantiated_by | gdp:modulated_by | gdp:modulates ?object. FILTER( ?object IN(gdp:conflict, gdp:uncertainty_of_information, gdp:alignment, gdp:preventing_goals) ) FILTER( ?subject NOT IN(gdp:conflict, gdp:uncertainty_of_information, gdp:alignment, gdp:preventing_goals) ) } GROUP BY (?subject) ==== Query 3.C other relations AND checked in two ways (?sub ?rel ?obj AND ?obj ?rel ?subj) ==== Note: as above... PREFIX rdf: PREFIX owl: PREFIX rdfs: PREFIX xsd: PREFIX gdp: SELECT ?subject WHERE { { ?subject gdp:instantiated_by | gdp:modulated_by | gdp:modulates ?object. } UNION { ?object gdp:instantiates | gdp:modulated_by | gdp:modulates ?subject. } FILTER( ?object IN(gdp:conflict, gdp:uncertainty_of_information, gdp:alignment, gdp:preventing_goals) ) FILTER( ?subject NOT IN(gdp:conflict, gdp:uncertainty_of_information, gdp:alignment, gdp:preventing_goals) ) } GROUP BY (?subject)