====== AfCAI Community ====== The two main research teams involved in the AfCAI group include researchers from: * [[https://geist.re/doku.php|GEIST: Group for Engineering of Intelligent Systems and Technologies]], and * [[http://www.ztg.fais.uj.edu.pl/en_GB/|Department of Games Technology at Jagiellonian Uni]] Furthermore, we actively cooperate with researchers from [[http://kbib.agh.edu.pl/|Department of Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering at AGH]]. We, the AfCAI group in Krakow, collaborate with several groups in Europe, working in the AfCAI related topics. This includes: * [[http://perseo.inf.um.es/~jpalma/doku.php?id=start|AIKE research group led by prof. Jose Palma]], Murcia, Spain * [[http://www.um.es/web/iuie/instituto/consejo-direccion/maria-trinidad-herrero-ezquerro|NICE group led by prof. Maria Trinidad Herrero]], Murcia, Spain * [[http://islab.di.uminho.pt/islab/|IS lab leb by prof. Paulo Novais]], Braga, Portugal * [[https://aida.ii.uam.es/|AIDA group led by prof. David Camacho]], Madrid, Spain * [[https://www.hci.uni-wuerzburg.de/|HCI Chair led by prof. Marc Erich Latoschik]], Wurzburg, Germany * [[http://gti-ia.dsic.upv.es/vinglada/|prof. Vicente Julian from the GTI-IA group]], Valencia, Spain * [[http://www.cslab.cc/|Computational Sensemaking Lab (CSLab) led by prof. Martin Atzmueller]], Tilburg, the Netherlands